Dr Sandy Gunasekara

Sandy Gunasekara


Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Centre for Policy Futures

Areas of research & interest:

  • Agriculture & food
  • Biodiversity & conservation
  • Circular economy
  • Climate change
  • Education
  • Environment
  • International relations
  • Policy & regulation
  • Social issues
  • Sustainability
  • Technology & innovation


  • Agriculture & environment
  • Industry & business solutions
  • Nature based solutions
  • Policy & regulation
  • Technology solutions

Research Institution:




Sandya Gunasekara’s primary research focus lies in the study of ocean sustainability, regional fisheries management organizations, conservation and sustainable utilization of marine biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ), and the management of Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). Recently, she has expanded her research interests to include the examination of biopesticides and agriculture policies and laws, with a specific emphasis on understanding decision-making processes related to food security. Originally from Sri Lanka, Sandya completed her Bachelor’s (Honours) degree in International Studies followed by her MPhil in International Studies, both at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. She holds a Ph.D. in Ocean Governance from the School of Law at Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and an MPhil from Griffith University, Australia.