Why a decarb hub?

As the social and economic case for rapid emissions reduction grows, the Queensland Government has committed to ambitious climate targets under its Queensland Climate Action Plan. Successfully meeting these targets requires a coordinated and focused effort between research, government, industry and community. 

Enter the Queensland Decarbonisation Hub.

The Hub brings together Queensland’s industrial, research and policy strengths into a coordinated network to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities of decarbonisation, while supporting Queensland Government to lead a State-wide transition. 

The Hub’s vision is for Queensland to become a leading decarbonised economy in which communities, industry and the environment thrive. Its purpose is to provide a two-way flow of knowledge exchange and translation to build capability and capacity. 

The Hub ensures that independent and timely evidence-based research from Queensland universities is used to help industries decarbonise, to work with communities to identify acceptable transition pathways, and to inform social and public policy and programs, and technology solutions aimed at decarbonising the Queensland economy. Likewise, it informs Queensland’s research agenda to focus on the challenges of today. 


The Queensland Decarbonisation Hub is a partnership between Queensland Government and seven leading Queensland universities. Central Queensland University, Griffith University, James Cook University, Queensland University of Technology, University of Southern Queensland, Sunshine Coast University and The University of Queensland. The Hub is funded by the Queensland Government as part of its commitment to take strong climate action through its Queensland Climate Action Plan. The University of Queensland’s Centre for Policy Futures is the Hub Coordinator. 

Our work is developed by the Hub Research Committee, and we are supported by an Advisory Committee chaired by the Queensland Chief Scientist, Kerrie Wilson, in which representatives from industry, state and local government, First Nations and community groups are members.

Our team

The Hub is an interdisciplinary collaboration between all of Queensland Government and seven Queensland public universities.  

Theme leads

Professor Allan Dale
Community and regional transformations
Professor Allan Dale

The Cairns Institute

James Cook University

A/Professor Felicity Deane
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
A/Professor Felicity Deane

Faculty of Business & Law, School of Law


Dr Ed Morgan
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
Dr Ed Morgan

Policy Innovation Hub

Griffith University

Dr Chad Renando
Queensland’s decarb capability and innovation ecosystem
Dr Chad Renando

Institute for Resilient Regions

University of Southern Queensland

Hub secretariat

Professor Greg Marston

Professor Greg Marston

Centre for Policy futures

The University of Queensland

Dr Jennifer Yarnold

Dr Jennifer Yarnold

Centre for Policy futures

The University of Queensland

Ms Kim Smith

Ms Kim Smith

Centre for Policy Futures

The University of Queensland

Professor Kerrie Wilson

Professor Kerrie Wilson

Queensland Chief Scientist, School of Biology & Environmental Science

Queensland Government

University node leads and core researchers

Professor Hurriyet Babacan
Community and regional transformations
Professor Hurriyet Babacan

Rural Economies Centre of Excellence

James Cook University

Professor Brendan Mackey
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
Professor Brendan Mackey

Climate Action Beacon

Griffith University

A/Professor Ben Lyons
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
A/Professor Ben Lyons

Rural Economies Centre of Excellence

University of Southern Queensland

Dr Theresa Ashford
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
Dr Theresa Ashford

School of Law and Society

University of the Sunshine Coast

Professor Ian McKenzie
Community and regional transformations
Professor Ian McKenzie

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

The University of Queensland

Professor John Rolfe
Community and regional transformations
Professor John Rolfe

Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chains


Professor Delwar Akbar
Community and regional transformations
Professor Delwar Akbar

Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chain


Dr Habib Habib
Queensland’s decarb capability and innovation ecosystem
Dr Habib Habib

Rural Economies Centre of Excellence

University of Southern Queensland

Our partners

The Hub is an interdisciplinary collaboration between all of Queensland Government and seven Queensland public universities.