About us
Helping Queensland industries, governments and communities leverage the opportunities toward net zero

Why a decarb hub?
As the social and economic case for rapid emissions reduction grows, the Queensland Government has committed to ambitious climate targets under its Queensland Climate Action Plan. Successfully meeting these targets requires a coordinated and focused effort between research, government, industry and community.
Enter the Queensland Decarbonisation Hub.
The Hub brings together Queensland’s industrial, research and policy strengths into a coordinated network to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities of decarbonisation, while supporting Queensland Government to lead a State-wide transition.
The Hub’s vision is for Queensland to become a leading decarbonised economy in which communities, industry and the environment thrive. Its purpose is to provide a two-way flow of knowledge exchange and translation to build capability and capacity.
The Hub ensures that independent and timely evidence-based research from Queensland universities is used to help industries decarbonise, to work with communities to identify acceptable transition pathways, and to inform social and public policy and programs, and technology solutions aimed at decarbonising the Queensland economy. Likewise, it informs Queensland’s research agenda to focus on the challenges of today.
Our team
The Hub is an interdisciplinary collaboration between all of Queensland Government and seven Queensland public universities.
Theme leads
Hub secretariat
University node leads and core researchers
Our partners
The Hub is an interdisciplinary collaboration between all of Queensland Government and seven Queensland public universities.