Providing a streamlined and transparent process of decision-making for the Hub

The Hub governance structure is intended to provide a streamlined and transparent process of decision-making for the Hub, including the granting of funds for research projects and direction of Hub Themes and activities:
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee provides accountability and oversight for the operation of the Hub and ensures the Hub meets the needs for which it was established.
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee acts as a reference group to ensure that Hub activities are aligned with issues that various stakeholders across Queensland are facing during transformation to a decarbonised economy.
Research Committee
The Research Committee develops the Hub research agenda and workplan for each year, including work schedules and scheduling of deliverables between partner universities.
Hub Secretariat and Coordinating Unit
Managed by UQ's Centre for Policy Futures, the Secretariat provides a central point of administrative support and coordinates Hub activities, including establishing workplans, work schedules and projects within each Theme, acts as a liaison between the different governance bodies, and ensures the quality of Hub research outputs and deliverables.