Dr Angela Guerrero

Angela Guerrero


Research Fellow


School of Architecture & Built Environment

Areas of research & interest:

  • Agriculture & food
  • Behaviour change
  • Biodiversity & conservation
  • Communities & society
  • Environment
  • Land use & planning
  • Sustainability


  • Agriculture & environment
  • Communities in transition
  • Industry & business solutions
  • Land Use & Regional Planning

Research Institution:



Dr Angela Guerrero is a sustainability scientist and a DECRA Research Fellow. Her work is focused on environmental planning and governance. She investigates human behaviour, social-ecological interactions, and collaboration in the planning and management of complex environmental problems, like adapting to climate change, conserving threatened species, or mitigating the impact of agricultural systems on ecosystems. Angela has had her work published in multiple academic journals and has received over $1M in research funds to support her work on sustainable food systems. Angela is a program leader of the Climate Futures research program within QUT's Resilience Centre and is a research associate at the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. Dr. Guerrero obtained a Ph.D. in environmental social science from The University of Queensland in 2015. She has Masters degree in environmental management from the same institution and an engineering degree from Universidad de Los Andes. Before Angela joined QUT she was a researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. Before this she worked at the Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and at the Luc Hoffman Institute. Angela also has significant experience working in government and industry sectors in the areas of business strategy, international trade, and supply chain management.