Dr Antony Moulis

Antony Moulis


Associate Professor


School of Architecture, Design and Planning


  • Land Use & Regional Planning
  • Economics

Research Institution:




Antony Moulis is Associate Professor in the School of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Queensland, where he teaches and researches across the fields of architecture, urbanism and design. His current research focuses on productive cities and urban retrofit as drivers of positive community change. He is internationally recognised for his work on architectural design practice and patterns of global knowledge transfer. Moulis' research through design involves active collaboration with industry and architectural and urban practices. Co-designed built and speculative projects highlighting micro-urban and resilience strategies for contemporary cities have been awarded, exhibited and published internationally. Moulis oversaw UQ Architecture's participation in the Water Sensitive Cities CRC – a national team of academics and designers developing strategies for urban intensification and green infrastructure.