Chris Norman
NRM Regions Queensland
Advisory Committee
- Agriculture & environment
- Carbon & environmental markets
- Workforce, skills, education
- Land Use & Regional Planning
Geographic Coverage:
Chris Norman is CEO of NRM Regions Queensland (NRMRQ), the peak body for the 12 regional NRM organisations across the State (and part of the 54 NRM organisations nationally).
Since coming to NRMRQ, Chris has driven a range of initiatives aimed at building the profile and impact of the NRM sector in Qld, including defining value for Government and investors, embedding new and existing strategic alliances, establishing roles for the NRM sector in the emerging environmental markets (carbon and natural capital) and renewable energy space, driving impact monitoring through implementing the Statewide Indicators Framework, and building capacity in the Boards and staff of the regional NRM organisations, particularly in the area of governance and the roll-out of an NRM leadership framework.
Prior to this role, Chris had been the CEO of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) in northern Victoria since December 2009. During that time, Chris oversaw one of the largest on-farm irrigation upgrade projects in Australia’s history, as well as delivering the biggest environmental flows seen down the Goulburn and Murray Rivers. In 2014, he was also acknowledged as 1 of 10 Luminaries selected to recognise 20 years of Integrated Catchment Management in Victoria.
Chris has tertiary qualifications in science and rural resource management as well as Diplomas in Frontline Management and Company Directors.