Delwar Akbar
Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chain
Researcher,Research Committee
- Communities in transition
- Industry & business solutions
- Economics
Research Institution:
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Professor Delwar Akbar is a regional economist and a leader in supply and value chain research. He has been working with rural and regional industries and businesses to improve their productivity and sustainability. His research during the last decade has focused predominantly on rural and regional economics, value chain analysis, property and health economics, economic impact assessment and regional development. Since his joining CQU in 2008, he has been successful in gaining 73 research and consultancy projects and have obtained over $11 million research income either as a Chief Investigator and/or Project Leader, which includes four Category-1 research grants. He has integrated economic models with supply chain, services and planning models. Recently, he has been developing and testing collaborative business models that could boaster rural economic dynamics and international trade. Over his academic career, he has published over 140 refereed papers, book chapters and project reports.