Dr Kristy Nell

Kristy Nell


Centre Coordinator


Sustainable Minerals Institute, JKMRC

Areas of research & interest:

  • Agriculture & food
  • Batteries & storage
  • Carbon offsets & markets
  • Climate change
  • Critical minerals & resources
  • Emissions reduction
  • Energy & fuels
  • Sustainability


  • Agriculture & environment
  • Battery & energy storage
  • Carbon & environmental markets
  • Emissions reduction & sequestration
  • Energy & infrastructure
  • Industry & business solutions




Dr Kristy Nell (née Campbell) holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the North-West University (NWU), South Africa. Kristy continued with post-graduate studies at the CRCED (Centre for Research and Continued Engineering Development), NWU, completing her PhD, which focused on emission quantification in the ferrochrome industry. Kristy worked as an engineer at ETA Operations for eight years. During this time, she gained experience in government tax incentives and disincentives, energy savings quantification as well as energy and emissions budgeting and reporting. As a Research Fellow at JKMRC, Kristy engages in research around carbon emission monitoring and quantification, and the evaluation of mitigation opportunities.