Dr Rose Stambe

Rose Stambe


Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Centre for Policy Futures, School of Social Science


  • Communities in transition
  • First Nations

Research Institution:


Dr Rose Stambe’s area of expertise lies in qualitative research methods, particularly ethnography. She has dedicated her research efforts to investigating how policy, institutional practices, and systems impact the lives of individuals who face social and economic marginalisation. Rose's primary focus is to understand the intricate dynamics between policy, institutional practices, and the lived realities of marginalised individuals, with the ultimate goal of advocating for system transformation and social change. In her research, Rose examines various social issues including unemployment, just transitions, homelessness, charity and domestic and family violence. Her PhD was on the mundane practices of an Australian employment services provider, she won the 2020 Dean’s Award for Outstanding HDR Thesis, and her thesis has been published as a book by Routledge entitled, Psychology, punitive activation and welfare: Blaming the unemployed.