A/Prof Sudhir Yadav

Sudhir Yadav


Senior Principal Research Fellow


Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation

Areas of research & interest:

  • Agriculture & food
  • Climate change
  • Environment
  • Sustainability


  • Agriculture & environment
  • Industry & business solutions

Research Institution:


Associate Professor Sudhir Yadav leads research on sustainable agri-food systems at the Centre of Crop Science of the Queensland Alliance of Agriculture and Food Innovation. His major areas of expertise encompass sustainability assessment of Agrisystems, climate change, integrated water management and system agronomy. Prior to joining UQ, A/Prof Yadav worked for the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines, where he conducted basic, strategic, and applied research to unravel insights and develop water-smart technologies, monitoring environmental pollution, mixed farming systems, sustainability metrics and engage in policy dialogues to improve the sustainability of agri-food systems.