Carbon farming & nature repair markets: Benefits, opportunities and risks for Queensland

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Nature based solutions Policy brief

Carbon farming & nature repair markets: Benefits, opportunities and risks for Queensland

This brief provides an overview and update on recent developments to environmental markets in Australia and Queensland, and what the potential risks and unique opportunities...

Felicity Deane; Ed Morgan; Jennifer Yarnold | 2024

Queensland Decarbonisation Hub

Community is key to Queensland’s energy future

Carbon & environmental markets, Communities in transition, Policy & regulation Policy brief

Community is key to Queensland’s energy future

Drawing on research from Kingaroy and lessons from other jurisdictions, this brief highlights the importance of ensuring that communities are included in decision making and...

Rose Stambe; Jennifer Yarnold; Greg Marston; Jeremy Moss | 2024

Queensland Decarbonisation Hub

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Human Induced Regeneration method

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Human Induced Regeneration method

This report provides an assessment of the Emission Reduction Fund's Human Induced Regeneration method (the human-induced generation of a permanent even-aged native forest methodology determination).

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Landfill Gas Generation method

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Landfill Gas Generation method

This report provides an assessment of the Emissions Reduction Fund Landfill Gas Generation method (Electricity Generation from Landfill Gas methodology determination).

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

ERAC Media Release:
Commercial and Public Lighting
Emissions Reduction Fund
Method Revoked

Carbon & environmental markets Report

ERAC Media Release: Commercial and Public Lighting Emissions Reduction Fund Method Revoked

This statement concerns the decision of the Minister for Industry, Energy, and Emissions Reduction to revoke the commercial and public lighting method after a review...

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

ERAC response to TAI Report:
Come Clean – Carbon Capture
and Storage CCS

Carbon & environmental markets Report

ERAC response to TAI Report: Come Clean – Carbon Capture and Storage CCS

This statement by the Emission Reduction Assurance Committee rejects a report published by the Australia Institute regarding carbon capture and storage methods.

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

ERAC statement regarding
Landfill Gas (Generation)

Carbon & environmental markets Report

ERAC statement regarding Landfill Gas (Generation) Method

This resource outlines facts about the Landfill Gas (generation) method that had not been previously discussed by the Emission Reduction Assurance Committee (as of 2022).

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024–2029

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Industry & business solutions, Technology solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024–2029

The Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024–2029 provides the framework for how The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation will support Queensland’s world leading scientists to...

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation | 2024

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

Carbon & environmental markets Strategy

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

This plan outlines the government's timeline and approach for implementing recommendations made by an independent panel to review the integrity of ACCUs (See DOC ID:...

DCCEEW | 2023

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

Carbon & environmental markets Fact sheet

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

This factsheet provides an overview of the independent review of Australian Carbon Credit Units. The expert panel was led by Australia’s former Chief Scientist Professor...

DCCEEW | 2023

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units - carbon market basics

Carbon & environmental markets Fact sheet

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units - carbon market basics

This factsheet provides an overview of Australia's carbon market and the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme.

DCCEEW | 2023

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Executive Summary - Final Report - Recommendations and Key Findings

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Executive Summary - Final Report - Recommendations and Key Findings

This is an executive summary, including recommendations and key findings, of an independent review of Australia's carbon market and the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme....

Professor Ian Chubb, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, Ariadne Gorring, Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds | 2022

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Final Report

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Final Report

This report provides an independent review of Australia's carbon market and the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme. This was led by an expert panel appointed...

Professor Ian Chubb, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, Ariadne Gorring, Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds | 2022

Pathways to a climate resilient Queensland: Queensland Climate Adaption Strategy (2017-2030)

Carbon & environmental markets Strategy

Pathways to a climate resilient Queensland: Queensland Climate Adaption Strategy (2017-2030)

This resource outlines Queensland's climate adaption strategy for 2017-2030. It provides an overview of the impact that climate change will have on Queensland and outlines...

Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (now Department of Environment, Science and Innovation) | 2017

Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25

Carbon & environmental markets Strategy

Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25

Australian and Queensland governments released this report in response to the first-five yearly review of the Reef 2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan. It was developed...

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - Qld & Federal Government | 2021

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 Darling Downs, South West and South Burnett

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Communities in transition, Energy & infrastructure, Industry & business solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 Darling Downs, South West and South Burnett

Department of State Development and Infrastructure | 2024

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 North West Queensland

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Communities in transition, Energy & infrastructure, Green investment, Industry & business solutions, Nature based solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 North West Queensland

Department of State Development and Infrastructure | 2024

Review of four methods for generating Australian Carbon Credit Units

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Review of four methods for generating Australian Carbon Credit Units

The Panel for the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units commissioned the Australian Academy of Science to provide a rapid assessment of the integrity...

Australian Academy of Science | 2022

Statement: ERAC consideration of human induced regeneration method

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Statement: ERAC consideration of human induced regeneration method

This statement discusses analytical work commissioned by The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee to examine concerns raised about the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Human Induced Regeneration (HIR)...

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

Voluntary Carbon Markets: Potential, Pitfalls, and the Path Forward

Carbon & environmental markets, Emissions reduction & sequestration Report

Voluntary Carbon Markets: Potential, Pitfalls, and the Path Forward

This report examines the role of corporate bodies and their delivery of net-zero contributions (and beyond, eventually, to net-negative contributions). The particular mechanism under review...

Climate Crisis Advisory Group | 2024

Climate Crisis Advisory Group