Blueprint to repair Australia’s landscapes: National case for a 30-year investment in a healthy, productive & resilient Australia
A practical vision for repairing Australia’s landscapes, the Blueprint describes a suite of 24 practical actions and investments across five key asset groups, to show that repairing Australia’s landscapes is not only urgent and essential but achievable, affordable and in the national interest.
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
Resource Type:
Agriculture & environment
Emissions reduction & sequestration
Green investment
Nature based solutions
Geographic Coverage:
Sydney, Australia
CC 3.0 Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (2024)
A practical vision for repairing Australia’s landscapes, the Blueprint describes a suite of 24 practical actions and investments across five key asset groups, to show that repairing Australia’s landscapes is not only urgent and essential but achievable, affordable and in the national interest.
The Blueprint is an evidence-based prospectus laying out a 30-year action plan and identifying public and private investment opportunities that would repair much of Australia’s degraded landscapes and set Australia on a nature positive trajectory.
The Blueprint is the most comprehensive assessment of its kind and demonstrates that it’s possible to repair Australia’s degraded landscapes – our soils, inland waters, native vegetation, threatened species and coastal environments – while boosting economic productivity and sequestering carbon in landscapes.
- The Blueprint is presented in three parts:
- The Blueprint Synthesis Report summarises the case for a 30-year investment in a healthy, productive & resilient Australia.
- The Blueprint Technical Review identifies objectives across soils, inland waters, native vegetation, threatened species and coastal environments, the repair actions required, the estimated investment for repair and the many benefits of doing so.
The Investment Spreadsheet contains the data and algorithms that form the basis of the investment estimates.