Defining and mapping Queensland's decarbonisation technology landscape
Dr Chad Renando, Dr Moudassir Habib
Resource Type:
Technology solutions
Geographic Coverage:
This Policy Report provides an overview of the approach and status update for the Queensland Decarbonisation Hub’s Decarb Technology Capability and Innovation Ecosystem theme.
The theme is providing a dynamic map of Queensland’s capability and innovation landscape to show the scope and nature of decarbonisation activities underway and identify gaps and opportunities in the process. The visual data tool will enable industries, community groups and governments to connect and collaborate with researchers, innovators and support organisations and to understand what technologies, finance and other enablers exist to support their decarbonisation goals. The tool is designed to support the other hub themes including community and regional transformation and identify and assess nature-based solutions and environmental integrity.
An initial release of the platform located on the Hub's website has been developed and represents a growing list of 62 enabling support institutions, 191 technology providers, and 45 policies related to decarbonisation technology in Queensland. The platform is being shared and expanded through a regular series of webinars focusing on each technology area with an emphasis on Queensland applications and projects.