Green goods: Strategies for decarbonising government purchasing in Australia

Produced by The Centre for Policy Development, this report offers recommendations for greening public procurement processes. These strategies are highlighted as vital if Australia is to achieve a net zero public service by 2030.




Hammerle, Mara; Phillips, Toby; Venning, Dennis


Centre for Policy Development


Resource Type:



Green investment
Industry & business solutions
Workforce / Skills / Education

Geographic Coverage:



CC BY 4.0

Australia is committed to cutting emissions by 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. As a wealthy nation, and one of the world’s major suppliers of emissions intensive products, we must lead in supporting long-term environmental sustainability.

It is imperative that the government has a significant hand in driving decarbonisation and energy transition for a greener future. With Australian public sector procurement accounting for over 17% of GDP, this is a key area to drive meaningful action on emissions reduction.

Green goods: Strategies for decarbonising government purchasing in Australia is a report from the Centre for Policy Development’s Sustainable Economy Program, authored by Toby Phillips, Mara Hammerle and Dennis Venning.

The report recommends immediate short-term actions governments can take in the next 12-18 months to reduce emissions linked to government purchasing, as well as long-term structural reforms that use the size and power of the public service to help Australia reach net zero.