Blueprint to repair Australia’s landscapes: National case for a 30-year investment in a healthy, productive & resilient Australia

Agriculture & environment, Emissions reduction & sequestration, Green investment, Nature based solutions Report

Blueprint to repair Australia’s landscapes: National case for a 30-year investment in a healthy, productive & resilient Australia

A practical vision for repairing Australia’s landscapes, the Blueprint describes a suite of 24 practical actions and investments across five key asset groups, to show...

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists | 2024

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists

Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap v2.1

Agriculture & environment Strategy

Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap v2.1

This resource is the second edition of the Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap by the Carbon Market Institute. It discusses the 2030 vision for a vibrant...

Carbon Market Institute | 2022

Carbon farming & nature repair markets: Benefits, opportunities and risks for Queensland

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Nature based solutions Policy brief

Carbon farming & nature repair markets: Benefits, opportunities and risks for Queensland

This brief provides an overview and update on recent developments to environmental markets in Australia and Queensland, and what the potential risks and unique opportunities...

Felicity Deane; Ed Morgan; Jennifer Yarnold | 2024

Queensland Decarbonisation Hub

Carbon Neutral by 2030 Roadmap

Agriculture & environment Strategy

Carbon Neutral by 2030 Roadmap

This roadmap outlines the Australian red meat and livestock industry's approach to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

Meat & Livestock Australia | 2020

Factsheet: Beef cattle herd management projects

Agriculture & environment Fact sheet

Factsheet: Beef cattle herd management projects

This fact sheet provides an overview of beef cattle herd management projects, including how to participate in a project under the Emissions Reduction Fund and...

Clean Energy Regulator | 2023

Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024–2029

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Industry & business solutions, Technology solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024–2029

The Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024–2029 provides the framework for how The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation will support Queensland’s world leading scientists to...

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation | 2024

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation

Livestock Emissions Framework for Feed Technologies

Agriculture & environment Fact sheet

Livestock Emissions Framework for Feed Technologies

This fact sheet provides an approach to estimate carbon emissions reductions from employing technologies at a farm, industry, state and national level. It was developed...

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | 2023

My beef cattle herd management project checklist

Agriculture & environment Guide

My beef cattle herd management project checklist

This checklist supports the planning and monitoring processes of running a beef cattle herd management project.

Clean Energy Regulator | 2023

National Soil Action Plan

Agriculture & environment Strategy

National Soil Action Plan

This action plan establishes four key priority actions for all levels of government and industry partners to focus on over 2023-2028. These are linked to...

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | 2023

Queensland AgTech Roadmap 2023–2028 Draft Consultation Paper

Agriculture & environment Draft report

Queensland AgTech Roadmap 2023–2028 Draft Consultation Paper

This draft consultation roadmap sets out Queensland's framework for accelerating the development of agricultural technology by stakeholders such as agribusinesses, producers, and investors. These technologies...

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, State of Queensland | 2023

Queensland Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap 2022-2032

Agriculture & environment Strategy

Queensland Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap 2022-2032

This 10-year strategy provides a framework for reducing emissions in the agricultural sector. It aims to reduce production-based emissions and increase carbon farming through ongoing...

Queensland Government | 2023

Regional Tranformation Strategy 2024 Central Queensland

Agriculture & environment, Communities in transition, Energy & infrastructure, Green investment, Industry & business solutions, Nature based solutions, Technology solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Regional Tranformation Strategy 2024 Central Queensland

Department of State Development and Infrastructure | 2024

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 Darling Downs, South West and South Burnett

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Communities in transition, Energy & infrastructure, Industry & business solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 Darling Downs, South West and South Burnett

Department of State Development and Infrastructure | 2024

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 Greater Whitsunday

Agriculture & environment, Communities in transition, Energy & infrastructure, Green investment, Industry & business solutions, Nature based solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 Greater Whitsunday

Department of State Development and Infrastructure | 2024

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 North West Queensland

Agriculture & environment, Carbon & environmental markets, Communities in transition, Energy & infrastructure, Green investment, Industry & business solutions, Nature based solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Strategy

Regional Transformation Strategy 2024 North West Queensland

Department of State Development and Infrastructure | 2024

Targeting CN30 for Australian red meat: On-farm strategy guide

Agriculture & environment Guide

Targeting CN30 for Australian red meat: On-farm strategy guide

This guide supports producers to make productivity-led emission reductions and improvements in carbon storage on their farm.

Meat & Livestock Australia | 2023

Webinar: Decarb Technologies

Agriculture & environment, Battery & energy storage, Energy & infrastructure, Technology solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Webinar

Webinar: Decarb Technologies

| 2024

Qld Decarb Hub