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Emissions reduction & sequestration, Policy & regulation Policy brief
Decarbonising Queensland- Four pillars toward a resilient and inclusive low-carbon economy
This policy brief provides an assessment of key policy and technical issues, opportunities and options and provides recommendations to support Queensland Government in the design...
Jennifer Yarnold, Greg Marston, Brendan Mackey, John McVeigh, John Rolfe, Allan Dale, Hurriyet Babacan, Ben Lyons, Felicity Deane, Maxine Newlands, Neville Plint, Lynette Molyneaux, Duncan Keenan-Jones, Jacob Birch, Rowena Maguire, John Quiggin, Don Butler, Catherine E. Lovelock, Natalie Doran-Browne, and Graham Ashford | 2022
Research article
Trace element concentrations in forage seagrass species of Chelonia mydas along the Great Barrier Reef
Toxic metal exposure is a threat to green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) inhabiting and foraging in coastal seagrass meadows and are of particular concern in...
Adam Wilkinson, Ellen Ariel, Jason Van De Merwe, Jon Brodie | 2022