2022-23 Annual Report

Communities in transition Report

2022-23 Annual Report

This resource is the 2022-2023 annual report of the Climate Projections Roadmap for Australia (Doc ID: 51066).

National Partnership for Climate Projections | 2023

2023 Annual Progress Report

Emissions reduction & sequestration, Policy & regulation Report

2023 Annual Progress Report

Climate Change Authority | 2023

Australian attitudes toward the energy transition – Part 2: Attitudes and perceptions of renewable energy infrastructure – Solar farms, onshore windfarms, offshore windfarms, and transmission infrastructure

Energy & infrastructure, Workforce / Skills / Education Report

Australian attitudes toward the energy transition – Part 2: Attitudes and perceptions of renewable energy infrastructure – Solar farms, onshore windfarms, offshore windfarms, and transmission infrastructure

In 2023, CSIRO conducted one of Australia’s most comprehensive surveys of attitudes towards the energy transition and renewable infrastructure, surveying more than 6700 people in...

McCrea, Rod ; Walton, Andrea ; Scovell, Mitchell ; Poruschi, Lavinia ; Gardner, John | 2024


Australian attitudes toward the renewable energy transition – Part 1: General attitudes

Workforce / Skills / Education Report

Australian attitudes toward the renewable energy transition – Part 1: General attitudes

In 2023, CSIRO conducted one of Australia’s most comprehensive surveys of attitudes towards the energy transition and renewable infrastructure, surveying more than 6700 people in...

Poruschi, Lavinia ; Scovell, Mitchell ; McCrea, Rod ; Walton, Andrea ; Gardner, John | 2024


Australian Government Climate Change Commitments, Policies and Programs

Industry & business solutions Guide

Australian Government Climate Change Commitments, Policies and Programs

Australian Office of Financial Management | 2024

Blueprint to repair Australia’s landscapes: National case for a 30-year investment in a healthy, productive & resilient Australia

Agriculture & environment, Emissions reduction & sequestration, Green investment, Nature based solutions Report

Blueprint to repair Australia’s landscapes: National case for a 30-year investment in a healthy, productive & resilient Australia

A practical vision for repairing Australia’s landscapes, the Blueprint describes a suite of 24 practical actions and investments across five key asset groups, to show...

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists | 2024

Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists

Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap v2.1

Agriculture & environment Strategy

Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap v2.1

This resource is the second edition of the Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap by the Carbon Market Institute. It discusses the 2030 vision for a vibrant...

Carbon Market Institute | 2022

Carbon Neutral by 2030 Roadmap

Agriculture & environment Strategy

Carbon Neutral by 2030 Roadmap

This roadmap outlines the Australian red meat and livestock industry's approach to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

Meat & Livestock Australia | 2020

Climate Action Survey 2022-Summary for Policy & Decision making

Policy & regulation Policy brief

Climate Action Survey 2022-Summary for Policy & Decision making

| 2023

Griffith University

Climate Projections Roadmap for Australia

Emissions reduction & sequestration Strategy

Climate Projections Roadmap for Australia

This roadmap outlines a collaborative approach between state and territory governments, CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, universities, and the Australian Government to deliver reliable information...

National Partnership for Climate Projections | 2022

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Human Induced Regeneration method

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Human Induced Regeneration method

This report provides an assessment of the Emission Reduction Fund's Human Induced Regeneration method (the human-induced generation of a permanent even-aged native forest methodology determination).

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Landfill Gas Generation method

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee findings on the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Landfill Gas Generation method

This report provides an assessment of the Emissions Reduction Fund Landfill Gas Generation method (Electricity Generation from Landfill Gas methodology determination).

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

ERAC Media Release:
Commercial and Public Lighting
Emissions Reduction Fund
Method Revoked

Carbon & environmental markets Report

ERAC Media Release: Commercial and Public Lighting Emissions Reduction Fund Method Revoked

This statement concerns the decision of the Minister for Industry, Energy, and Emissions Reduction to revoke the commercial and public lighting method after a review...

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

ERAC response to TAI Report:
Come Clean – Carbon Capture
and Storage CCS

Carbon & environmental markets Report

ERAC response to TAI Report: Come Clean – Carbon Capture and Storage CCS

This statement by the Emission Reduction Assurance Committee rejects a report published by the Australia Institute regarding carbon capture and storage methods.

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

ERAC statement regarding
Landfill Gas (Generation)

Carbon & environmental markets Report

ERAC statement regarding Landfill Gas (Generation) Method

This resource outlines facts about the Landfill Gas (generation) method that had not been previously discussed by the Emission Reduction Assurance Committee (as of 2022).

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

Factsheet: Beef cattle herd management projects

Agriculture & environment Fact sheet

Factsheet: Beef cattle herd management projects

This fact sheet provides an overview of beef cattle herd management projects, including how to participate in a project under the Emissions Reduction Fund and...

Clean Energy Regulator | 2023

Final Modelling Results

Emissions reduction & sequestration Report

Final Modelling Results

This report maps Australia's transition to net-zero emissions by its' target year of 2050 and includes a detailed breakdown of the possibilities and sensitivities of...

Net Zero Australia | 2023

Green goods: Strategies for decarbonising government purchasing in Australia

Green investment, Industry & business solutions, Workforce / Skills / Education Report

Green goods: Strategies for decarbonising government purchasing in Australia

Produced by The Centre for Policy Development, this report offers recommendations for greening public procurement processes. These strategies are highlighted as vital if Australia is...

Hammerle, Mara; Phillips, Toby; Venning, Dennis | 2024

Centre for Policy Development

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

Carbon & environmental markets Strategy

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

This plan outlines the government's timeline and approach for implementing recommendations made by an independent panel to review the integrity of ACCUs (See DOC ID:...

DCCEEW | 2023

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

Carbon & environmental markets Fact sheet

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units

This factsheet provides an overview of the independent review of Australian Carbon Credit Units. The expert panel was led by Australia’s former Chief Scientist Professor...

DCCEEW | 2023

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units - carbon market basics

Carbon & environmental markets Fact sheet

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units - carbon market basics

This factsheet provides an overview of Australia's carbon market and the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme.

DCCEEW | 2023

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Executive Summary - Final Report - Recommendations and Key Findings

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Executive Summary - Final Report - Recommendations and Key Findings

This is an executive summary, including recommendations and key findings, of an independent review of Australia's carbon market and the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme....

Professor Ian Chubb, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, Ariadne Gorring, Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds | 2022

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Final Report

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units: Final Report

This report provides an independent review of Australia's carbon market and the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme. This was led by an expert panel appointed...

Professor Ian Chubb, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, Ariadne Gorring, Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds | 2022

Indigenous Carbon Projects Guide

First Nations Guide

Indigenous Carbon Projects Guide

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Indigenous Carbon Industry Network, climate change and the carbon market, and Indigenous participation in carbon projects and...

Indigenous Carbon Industry Network | 2022

Industry action on climate change mitigation in Australia

Industry & business solutions Report

Industry action on climate change mitigation in Australia

This report is one of three stocktakes produced by the Climate Change Authority in 2019. It focuses on industry action on climate change mitigation in...

Climate Change Authority | 2019

Livestock Emissions Framework for Feed Technologies

Agriculture & environment Fact sheet

Livestock Emissions Framework for Feed Technologies

This fact sheet provides an approach to estimate carbon emissions reductions from employing technologies at a farm, industry, state and national level. It was developed...

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | 2023

Mapping the Opportunities for Indigenous Carbon in Australia: Identifying opportunities and barriers to Indigenous participation in the Emissions Reduction Fund

First Nations Report

Mapping the Opportunities for Indigenous Carbon in Australia: Identifying opportunities and barriers to Indigenous participation in the Emissions Reduction Fund

This report uses a geographical analysis to identify where suitable Emission Reduction Funds can be pursued by Indigenous groups and identifies key barriers and opportunities...

Indigenous Carbon Industry Network | 2022

My beef cattle herd management project checklist

Agriculture & environment Guide

My beef cattle herd management project checklist

This checklist supports the planning and monitoring processes of running a beef cattle herd management project.

Clean Energy Regulator | 2023

National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy

Emissions reduction & sequestration Strategy

National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy

This resource outlines Australia's 2021-2025 strategy to building climate resilience and adaption to support the nation in anticipating, managing and adapting to a changing climate....

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment | 2021

National Soil Action Plan

Agriculture & environment Strategy

National Soil Action Plan

This action plan establishes four key priority actions for all levels of government and industry partners to focus on over 2023-2028. These are linked to...

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | 2023

Nature Positive Plan:
better for the environment, better for business


Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business

This plan was established in response to the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). It outlines the Australian...

DCCEEW | 2022

Net Zero Mobilisation report: How to make net zero happen

Emissions reduction & sequestration Report

Net Zero Mobilisation report: How to make net zero happen

The report expands on Net Zero Australia's final modelling results report (doc ID: 51011) outlining how governments, businesses and households should transition to net zero...

Net Zero Australia | 2023

Principles for assessing models used for Emissions Reduction Fund methods

Carbon accounting & ESG Guide

Principles for assessing models used for Emissions Reduction Fund methods

This resource outlines seven principles for assessing models used for Emissions Reduction Fund methods by the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee.

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

Reduce, remove and store: The role of carbon sequestration in accelerating Australia’s decarbonisation

Emissions reduction & sequestration Report

Reduce, remove and store: The role of carbon sequestration in accelerating Australia’s decarbonisation

Australia is endowed with carbon sequestration potential. The purpose of this paper is to help policymakers, emitters, and markets to better understand how it can...

Climate Change Authority | 2023

Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25

Carbon & environmental markets Strategy

Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-25

Australian and Queensland governments released this report in response to the first-five yearly review of the Reef 2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan. It was developed...

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - Qld & Federal Government | 2021

Review of four methods for generating Australian Carbon Credit Units

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Review of four methods for generating Australian Carbon Credit Units

The Panel for the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units commissioned the Australian Academy of Science to provide a rapid assessment of the integrity...

Australian Academy of Science | 2022

Statement: ERAC consideration of human induced regeneration method

Carbon & environmental markets Report

Statement: ERAC consideration of human induced regeneration method

This statement discusses analytical work commissioned by The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee to examine concerns raised about the Emissions Reduction Fund’s Human Induced Regeneration (HIR)...

Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee | 2022

State of Environment (SoE) 2021: Air Quality


State of Environment (SoE) 2021: Air Quality

This chapter evaluates the environment and Australia's air quality as of 2021. It is part of an independent assessment conducted every five years to that...

Cresswell et al. | 2021

State of Environment (SoE) 2021: Antarctica


State of Environment (SoE) 2021: Antarctica

This chapter evaluates the environment and the state of Antarctica as of 2021. It is part of an independent assessment conducted every five years to...

Cresswell et al. | 2021

State of Environment (SoE) 2021: Overview


State of Environment (SoE) 2021: Overview

This report overview provides an assessment of the state of the Australian Environment as of 2021. It is part of an independent assessment conducted every...

Cresswell et al. | 2021

Tackling TNFD in critical mineral mining for producing clean energy technologies

Policy & regulation Guide

Tackling TNFD in critical mineral mining for producing clean energy technologies

This guide is one of five value chain deep-dive guidance documents related to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (Doc ID: 51070)

DCCEEW & Ernst & Young, Australia | 2023

Tackling TNFD in domestically sourced fresh beef and ​salmon

Policy & regulation Guide

Tackling TNFD in domestically sourced fresh beef and ​salmon

This guide is one of five value chain deep-dive guidance documents related to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (Doc ID: 51070)

DCCEEW & Ernst & Young, Australia | 2023

Tackling TNFD in domestic cotton cultivation for export

Policy & regulation Guide

Tackling TNFD in domestic cotton cultivation for export

This guide is one of five value chain deep-dive guidance documents related to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (Doc ID: 51070)

DCCEEW & Ernst & Young, Australia | 2023

Tackling TNFD in natural gas extraction for industrial manufacturing

Policy & regulation Guide

Tackling TNFD in natural gas extraction for industrial manufacturing

This guide is one of five value chain deep-dive guidance documents related to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (Doc ID: 51070)

DCCEEW & Ernst & Young, Australia | 2023

Tackling TNFD in property development and building construction

Policy & regulation Guide

Tackling TNFD in property development and building construction

This guide is one of five value chain deep-dive guidance documents related to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (Doc ID: 51070)

DCCEEW & Ernst & Young, Australia | 2023

Targeting CN30 for Australian red meat: On-farm strategy guide

Agriculture & environment Guide

Targeting CN30 for Australian red meat: On-farm strategy guide

This guide supports producers to make productivity-led emission reductions and improvements in carbon storage on their farm.

Meat & Livestock Australia | 2023

The Electric Edge: Energy, Emissions and Cost Benefits of Electric Concrete Pumping

Emissions reduction & sequestration, Energy & infrastructure, Industry & business solutions, Technology solutions Report

The Electric Edge: Energy, Emissions and Cost Benefits of Electric Concrete Pumping

Lendlease's One Sydney Harbour R3 project demonstrates a significant shift towards sustainable construction in Australia, focusing on replacing diesel with electric machinery.

Heywood, Abigail; Wensley, Nicholas; Thow, Nick; Austin, Ann; D’Angola, Donato; Adhikari Smith, Dia | 2024

Lendlease Australia

Yearbook 2023: Australian Infrastructure Statistics

Transport Report

Yearbook 2023: Australian Infrastructure Statistics

This statistical report provides an annual source of infrastructure statistics around infrastructure and the economy, transport, communications, energy and water for 2023. It is intended...

Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics | 2023