Dr Aaron Liu
Dr Aaron Liu

School of Architecture and Built Environment


Dr Alamgir Hossain
Dr Alamgir Hossain

Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Centre

Griffith University

Dr Amir Etemad Shahidi
Dr Amir Etemad Shahidi

School of Engineering and Built Environment

Griffith University

Professor Amisha Mehta
Professor Amisha Mehta

School of Advertising, Marketing & PR


A/Prof Andreas Helwig
A/Prof Andreas Helwig

School of Engineering

University of Southern Queensland

Professor Ashok Kumar Nanjundan
Professor Ashok Kumar Nanjundan

School of Engineering

Professor Bernadette McCabe
Professor Bernadette McCabe

Centre for Agricultural Engineering

University of Southern Queensland

Dr Byambajav Dalaibuyan
Dr Byambajav Dalaibuyan

Sustainable Minerals Institute

The University of Queensland

Professor Cara Beal
Professor Cara Beal

Cities Research Institute

Griffith University

Ms Caroline Stott
Ms Caroline Stott

Research Partnerships

The University of Queensland

Professor Deepak Dubal
Professor Deepak Dubal

School of Chemistry and Physics


Dr Dia Adhikari Smith
Dr Dia Adhikari Smith

UQ Dow Centre & School of Civil Engineering

The University of Queensland

Dr Duc-Anh An-Vo
Dr Duc-Anh An-Vo

Centre for Applied Climate Sciences

University of Southern Queensland

Professor Fuwen Yang
Professor Fuwen Yang

School of Engineering and Built Environment

Griffith University

Professor Graeme Millar
Professor Graeme Millar

School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering


Professor Ian O'Hara
Professor Ian O'Hara

Faculty of Engineering, Office of the Deputy Dean


Professor Ivan Diaz-Rainey
Professor Ivan Diaz-Rainey

Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics

Griffith University

Dr Jenny Wang
Dr Jenny Wang

School of Business

University of Southern Queensland

Professor John Cole
Professor John Cole

Deputy Vice-Chancellor's Office (Research and Innovation)

University of Southern Queensland

Dr Julia Loginova
Dr Julia Loginova

Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Mining Institute

The University of Queensland

Dr Kalam AZAD
Dr Kalam AZAD

School of Engineering and Technology


A/Prof Kathryn Sturman
A/Prof Kathryn Sturman

Sustainable Minerals Institute, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining

The University of Queensland

Dr Kristy Nell
Dr Kristy Nell

Sustainable Minerals Institute, JKMRC

Dr Laura Sonter
Dr Laura Sonter

School of the Environment

The University of Queensland

Dr Leanda Garvie
Dr Leanda Garvie

Forest Research Institute, School of Business and Creative Industries

University of the Sunshine Coast

A/Prof Lei Ge
A/Prof Lei Ge

School of Engineering

University of Southern Queensland

Dr Lei Zhang
Dr Lei Zhang

Centre for Catalysis and Clean Energy

Griffith University

Mr Marcelo Feitosa de Paula Dias
Mr Marcelo Feitosa de Paula Dias

School of Law



School of Engineering and Technology


Dr Melissa Jackson
Dr Melissa Jackson

Climate Action Beacon, Cities Research Institute

Griffith University

Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Dr Miaoqiang Lyu

AIBN and School of Chemical Engineering

The University of Queensland

Mr Muhannad Al Kalbani
Mr Muhannad Al Kalbani

School of Civil Engineering

The University of Queensland

Dr Mu Xiao
Dr Mu Xiao

School of Chemical Engineering

The University of Queensland

A/Prof Pedro Fidelman
A/Prof Pedro Fidelman

Centre for Policy Futures

The University of Queensland

Dr Peter Harris
Dr Peter Harris

Centre for Agricultural Engineering

University of Southern Queensland

Professor Prasad Kaparaju
Professor Prasad Kaparaju

School of Engineering and Built Environment

Griffith University

Mrs Rachelle Cooper Kulkarni
Mrs Rachelle Cooper Kulkarni

Centre for Alternative Technology

Dr Sajeeb Saha
Dr Sajeeb Saha

University of the Sunshine Coast

Dr Samar Amari
Dr Samar Amari

Sustainable Minerals Institute

The University of Queensland

Professor Sarah Holcombe
Professor Sarah Holcombe

Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining/ Sustainable Minerals Institute

The University of Queensland

Dr Shannon Brincat
Dr Shannon Brincat

School of Law and Society

University of the Sunshine Coast

Dr Shazia Imam
Dr Shazia Imam

Sustainable Minerals Institute

The University of Queensland

Professor Sue Jackson
Professor Sue Jackson

Australian Rivers Institute/ School of Environment and Science - Environment and Marine

Griffith University

Professor Tapan Sarker
Professor Tapan Sarker

School of Business

University of Southern Queensland

Dr Thong Nguyen-Huy
Dr Thong Nguyen-Huy

Centre for Applied Climate Sciences

University of Southern Queensland

A/Prof Tom Rainey
A/Prof Tom Rainey

School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering


Dr Tuan Nguyen
Dr Tuan Nguyen

Sustainable Minerals Institute

The University of Queensland

Dr Ty Jones
Dr Ty Jones

School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences


Professor Warwick Bowen
Professor Warwick Bowen

ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology

The University of Queensland

Miss Yi Bian
Miss Yi Bian

Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management

Griffith University

Professor Zoran Ristovski
Professor Zoran Ristovski

School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences