
Queensland’s land sector has a major role to play in reducing emissions and capturing additional carbon which can provide social, economic and environmental co-benefits for communities, the ag sector, biodiversity and more.

At the same time, there is a risk that poorly designed and implemented solutions can produce unintended consequences, potentially increasing, rather than reducing emissions. 


A view from all angles builds better outcomes.

We will bring together people from different fields to examine the value and impact of nature-based decarbonisation solutions.

Drawing on knowledge from the ecological and environmental sciences, as well as environmental law, micro-economics, policy and social sciences, we will explore to what degree and how can decarbonisation options have high environmental integrity.


Identify opportunities and risks of decarbonisation mechanisms in the land sector.

Account for and value the co-benefits of nature-based mitigation solutions.

Assess opportunities to harmonise competing demands on land, maintain co-benefits and optimise decarbonisation outcomes.


  1. Identify key environmental integrity issues facing government, industry and community in environmental markets and offsets 0150 What is the status of relevant existing and emerging decarbonisation environmental market-based mechanisms and how is natural capital and ecosystem services accounting and valuation being used in Queensland policymaking.
  2. Review planning policy and frameworks – Identify barriers and enablers for the integration and harmonisation of decarbonisation schemes and mechanisms


Carbon farming & nature repair markets: Benefits, opportunities and risks for Queensland
Carbon farming & nature repair markets: Benefits, opportunities and risks for Queensland
Decarbonising Queensland- Four pillars toward a resilient and inclusive low-carbon economy
Decarbonising Queensland- Four pillars toward a resilient and inclusive low-carbon economy


Dr Ed Morgan
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
Dr Ed Morgan

Policy Innovation Hub

Griffith University

A/Professor Felicity Deane
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
A/Professor Felicity Deane

Faculty of Business & Law, School of Law


A/Professor Ben Lyons
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
A/Professor Ben Lyons

Rural Economies Centre of Excellence

University of Southern Queensland

Professor Brendan Mackey
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
Professor Brendan Mackey

Climate Action Beacon

Griffith University

Dr Theresa Ashford
Nature-based solutions and environmental integrity
Dr Theresa Ashford

School of Law and Society

University of the Sunshine Coast

Research Themes

Community and regional transformations
Community and regional transformations
Queensland’s decarb capability and innovation ecosystem
Queensland’s decarb capability and innovation ecosystem